Sunday, October 16, 2011

Need to knows 8-10

8) "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" - Mary Anne Radmacher
I saw this quote the other day and it made me stop and think about you. You're never going to be perfect, you will fall, you will get hurt, and you will hurt others. It's not the failure you should remember, it's the lesson you should remember. Get up, try again. Don't let fear rule your life, ever.

9) There's a beautiful song written by John Mark Mcmillan called "How He Loves". We sang it this morning at church and you were dancing along with it, I think you rather enjoyed it. Anyway, the song talks about how Gos is jealous for us, he values most of all our love and devotion. He is jealous for our hearts. Nothing more than Him should be first priority in our hearts. He loves us desperately and without end. Even now, before your birth, he loves you and is jealous for you. Before your very conception he thought of you and started to form in you for a heart devoted to him.

10) You're going to be an extraordinarily lucky girl. This house is full of animals and is a practical petting zoo. In this sense, you are going to be spoiled. It is my hope that you never take this for granted. That you always appreciate what you have and with all that you have, give so much more to those with less than you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

More things Daisy needs to know

4) Daisy, I want you to know from a very young age that heaven is not just a place in the mind, but a real, living, tangible place. It's nowhere here on earth, but it is a place you can visit. One day, I hope your father and I will get the immense pleasure of showing you what heaven looks like. As a child, your mind is the most open and I hope the openness of your mind continues throughout all your life.

5) Protect your heart, dear daughter, from the troubles of this world. The world will not watch out for you, you must watch it. Watch that you become nothing like it. Instead, make the world like you.

6) While the world won't have your back, know that your father and I will always have your back. There will be decisions you will make that we won't like but we will always be there for you. Whatever the problem, the trouble, the issue, the happiness, the sadness, the tears, the laughter, we're here for you any time, day or night. Though I must tell you, if you're crying, your father won't know what to do with you so you may want to talk to me first. He loves you honey and it will break his heart to see you cry. It'll break mine too but your father never did know what to do with crying people.

7) The barbed wire that's going to be around your play can thank Henry for that. Since he discovered he could escape, he decided that he could break into your play yard. After weighing the cons of having barbed wire on the top of your play yard fence, we decided that the pros of not having a giant mule run over our precious daughter outweighed those. By the time you're tall enough to reach said barbed wire, you'll also be smart enough to know not to touch it. Or swing from it. Or generally look in its direction.