Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our hospital stay

Our stay in the hospital was a whole three days. It's typical for a c-section birth. You were so determined to escape that you had managed to push your foot out before they got me on the table. As a result, they had to pull you back up in order to get you out. Additionally, they got started so quickly that I didn't get the full effect of the epidural so I actually felt a bunch of pain that I shouldn't have. It was worth it, as well as the few hours of labor I experienced.

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One of your first pictures. You were and are still so cute!

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Your first bath in the hospital. We didn't get to give you a bath until we got home. I wasn't anywhere near you at this time, I was still in surgery being closed up!

You were jaundiced at birth so they had to take blood from you every day. I didn't realize that this wasn't as simple a process for you as it is for an adult. Instead of sticking a needle in your arm, they poked your heel! They kept having to squeeze it to get more blood. Your dad was ready to take out the lab technician for making you cry so much! We hated when it kept coming back and they needed to do it again and again. It was horrible to watch.

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Look how yellow you were!

While we were in the hospital, you got to start meeting family members. It took me awhile to get out of surgery so I only got to see you for a minute before they took you to the nursery with your dad. They made him worry so because I was taking a long time to get out and he wasn't getting updated!

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I finally got to hold you when I was in recovery.

I was so happy to see you. I wanted to keep you forever but I was also completely exhausted. So I had to give you up to dad, Nanny, and Grampy to watch you so I could get a little rest.

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They weren't at all inconvenienced to watch you.

Because you were a c-section, you had a perfect head. Your dad was so happy for that. He really didn't want you to have a cone head. In case he tries to tell you otherwise, he had a very bad cone head as a baby. Ask Nanny all about it.

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Unfortunately, it seemed every baby hat was made for cone-heads so yours always fell off!

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Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Lavachek came to visit you. They couldn't wait to meet you.

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And your godmother Dorothy was busting down the doors. Everyone loved you from the start!

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And here's G-ma with you. She only got to stay around 24 hours and she had to change her flight plans because you came early. She was originally going to come up when we had your c-section scheduled. I don't think she minded so much after she met you.

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And you will see a lot of picture with you and your mittens. Just like in my tummy, you were fascinated by touching your face. You always gave yourself terrible scratches!

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Momma's best friend Kortnie couldn't wait to come either. She's the one who got the 5am text that you were on your way and she's the one who made all the phone calls and texts to let everyone know you had arrived!

Momma and Daddy stayed with you the whole time. The only time Daddy left was to get dinner from the hospital or to get Momma more water. He couldn't stand to be away from you or me. He worried so much about both of us that he almost never slept. Momma was exhausted enough that she slept a lot to heal. You slept a lot too which was a great blessing. You would eat then sleep but you actually spent a lot of time awake, alert, and aware during the day. Everyone was surprised.

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Finally, after three days, we get to go home. It was chilly outside so we had you bundled up tight. Notice how jaundiced you were?

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